October 2005
Sometimes, we look back and are disgusted with ourselves. I felt the earth tremble and convulse; here was love. We embraced one another, for the last time most certainly. Though I did not know it then. During a brief and sobering moment of calm, a rapid arrest of the madness, I had decided to return…
Once again I find myself discussing Islam. Last time, I expounded on why religion (herein superstition) has no place in the public sphere. Though in the last entry, I was able to exchange my terms of superstition, i.e., Christianity and Islam. The nature of these supersititions, their historical connexion and common origin, i.e, Jewish traditions…
The folly is made more I hear my name, raw as a child’s emotions piercing the ephemeral architectural creation, these lofty edifices that stipulate the expanse and limitation of my city. The fantastic skyscrapers shudder and the earth upon which they rest shakes. But the stupor continues, The ascent proceeds rapidly but not without my…
En mi momento de locura, locura que pulsaba de pie a cabeza, me había olvidado de ti y de tu destreza. ¿Qué fue? Sé que no te consumió aunque llegaste al punto de sentirte, de caer bajo la ilusión de tal estado. ‘Despierta’ te ha dicho tu interior y le has escuchado. Ahora te veo…
Finally! Lately, I have been feeling rather lithuanian, but to-day I felt very european. The liberation from the platitudinous stagnation came about upon a rather wonderful realization. It is not a new realization properly – it has been contemplated many a time before but likewise dissipated – but it is one that has been reinvigorated…
Having grown up in a diverse area as the San Francisco Bay Area, I have imbibed a tolerance for differences. Perhaps that is what frustrates me the most about New Mexico, the dearth of diversity. Each time that I sat outside of the small and posh deli at the Stanford Shopping Center, my mind was…
By the time I have finished this autobiography, one that will be composed of various ‘chapters’, I shall be residing in Maryland, where I will be attending university Life is a vast and unknown ocean to man; we are sailors on this body of darkness, that slowly becomes known to us as we sail upon…
to make a mistake and hide the fact is one thing. to make a mistake and accept it is to progress. the former is to stagnate chance, we dont’ deserve anything if it’s by chance, chance bestowing upon man certain opportunities (nothing is taken into consideration, e.g., goodness of person, since it is all random).…
To-day is one of those days of streets invigorated by their wetness, strewn with quickly-tattered and freshly-fallen leaves that perform a chromatic choreography that bridges the spectrum of yellow-brown. Such wet days remind me of the times that I lived in Oregon, short spans that transpired in brevity but nevertheless fruitful. This was the place…
He viajado medio mundo, literalmente y simbólicamente; aún así siento jamás haber puesto pie sobre aquellas míticas tierras. Todo es tan efímero, pasajero, firme y falso como una ilusión. No puedo abrazar los recuerdos, ya que se esfuman como aire. Es una persecusión eterna; jamás dará fruto, ni alivio. De aquel punto de despegue –…