20 Year Odyssey

By the time I have finished this autobiography, one that will be composed of various ‘chapters’, I shall be residing in Maryland, where I will be attending university

Life is a vast and unknown ocean to man; we are sailors on this body of darkness, that slowly becomes known to us as we sail upon its waters. But unlike the argonauts, we are not as fortunate as to known what our golden fleece is, i.e., our raison d’être. So it seems that we sail endlessly, rudderless as our time is consumed – then we expire. During our existence, this homonymic odyssey, we accomplish many a thing; likewise, we fail to accomplish certain things.

So I am an argonaut and though not privy to knowing what is my golden fleece, I am able to go on. I suspect that it is man’s condition, fortunately or unfortunately, to never know what his golden fleece is. In the course of a man’s life, he will discover his golden fleece, and by discover I really mean invent. For is this not one of the most important philosophical questions that confronts man? In our indagations, do we discover or invent those things that constitute our reality?

After sailing for twenty one or so years on what ostensibly is a destitute and unfriendly corpulent womb – though man is said to eventually return to his primordial condition, i.e., dust, earth inevitably succumbs to the firmaments of ocean that encompass it, the fountainhead of all things – and after travelling too close to shore, for it must be said that this ocean is circumscribed by firmament but its vastness is so great, so eternal that this mere lake is an ocean that transgresses time and space, I discovered a river. And ever since, I have been sailing up this river of fresh water.

Perhaps I abnagated the freedom and endless possibilities offered by the ocean for the confines and limitedness of this river because of a desire to know, sheer human curiosity goading me forward on this particular path. On the other hand, it could have been the innate quality that drives me to protest against anything for the sake of protestation. I know myself enough to predicate the latter as the reason behind my choice. Though, there is the possibility that I was meant to discover this river and to decide to travel on it. But to succumb to such ideas is to renounce my freedom but also to renounce faith in myself, in humanity. No, there was something congenial about this outlet; an affinity that sparked something within, beckoned to me and I immediately set sail.



