June 2005
Today I noticed something. And suddenly, I felt like dropping to the ground and hugging my sister’s cat as if she were some sort of stuffed animal; plush and sweet. Instead, I chased two butterflies – one was chasing the other. Their acrobatics over the grass put me in euphoria. I had to give way…
Today over hot chocolate and a cig (my friend did the smoking), I received incredible advice. It is somewhat liberating to hear someone else give me the same advice I have been known to give others, though less oracular in nature; no priestess would be required to decipher his oracle. He simply said, “Let it…
Soy niño de desierto. Cuando viví en el Desierto de Sonora, afectó mi cáracter y al regresar a la costa, mi ego siempre dolió, siempre sentía la ansiedad de la alejania y deseaba regresar a la monotonía, a la constancia eternal del desierto. Uno de mis sueños es traversar un mar inmenso de cerros de…
Requiero de valor, de fuerza, de pasión no inhibida. No entiendo porque este miedo, ¿por qué ahora? Puedo yo mismo contra todo. no necesito de nada y mucho menos de nadie. Sé luchar por mí mismo … tengo las armas adecuadas; sólo requiero de la inspiración. Adelante. Y he dado el primer paso. Pronto sabré…
Gad, I had forgotten that there are a lot of strange people in a city! It was a cold, albeit, a refreshing realization. I rediscovered this aspect as I proceeded to cross the entirety of the airport in order to reach the subway. And to my mind came back that old adage of mine: “Weirdos…
I’m in rapture right now. Good night 🙂
Oh, my heart stopped beating … and when it stopped, my heart stopped beating! Hah … I stood next to the tracks, my tippy toes right on the yellow line, separator of safety and danger. “Oh this could get dangerous!” I thought and my heart began to beat, to beat again! I slipped my hands…
Now for something light. Because the previous post was much too serious even for me. Hummus is fabulous. Björk’s “Telegram” is fantastic. I love oranges.
Dans le schéma de l’éternité, celui-ci êtant un autre nombre pour l’universe, l’envergure de l’existence de l’humanité est insignifiant. Et de la même façon, ma vie, tant que je suis un être humain, la mienne est au même temps insignifiant. Les deux dernières années ont été intenses et cette intensité a apporté confusion. La confusion…
Juan Quiles: Breath. I have always dreamt of being a rock star. And taking the dream a bit further, here is the design of the cover for the album, titled “Breath”. The album consists of 10 songs plus two remixes. Tracklist: 1. falling 2. sunbeams 3. breath 4. treading on air 5. losing it 6.…