January 2006
Hi, it’s me again. Yes, I need to write so as to bring calm to my mind. Why else would I write? Then, let us begin. I am filled with dread by the mere thought of having to go to the music tutorial. I don’t understand music. I love listening to music, but I don’t…
I am under the impression that everyone else is happier than I. Of course it is an absurdity, yet it has gathered force in my mind. Logic may say otherwise, but secretly, I nurse the myth. I am back at St. John’s (stjohnscollege.edu) yet it does not make me happy; I don’t think it was…
The pro-democracy and abolitionist movement gathers at one end of town, at the home of Euripides. Men exchange speeches in the cool summer night, their woolen garments clinging to their bodies; all are in agreement: “Man’s law of nature is equality”. Euripides, who democratized tragedy by bringing the audience onto the stage says, “The name…
Me siento aventurero. El 9 de febrero iré a Arkansas a visitar a …. En realidad no sé qué hacer de todo esto (qué significa) aunque es demasiado yo, i.e., muy típico de mí. ¿Y qué? A caso esta vez me dejaré arrastrar hasta tierras aún más lejanas? No, todo con calma esta vez, aunque…
I’ve been meaning to write on this (Danish Muslims Take Anti-Prophet Cartoons to EU) for some time, and now seems like the right moment to do so. I think this issue illustrates the problem with Islam, i.e., religion. We in the West live in societies that are governed by the rule of law. When man…
Before I begin this, I must apologize. What is to follow may seem like a passage out of Proust. But I can assure you, it is a passage out of my life. My life has never been exciting, at least, I would never apply this word to it. No, perhaps a bit under the ordinary.…
No sé qué me das que cada vez me gustas más. En fin, sigo marchando en dirección retrograda. ¿Qué se le va a hacer? Una vez más voy a cometer una locura; una tonteria más a agregar a la absurdidad que es mi vida. De menos, de todo esto podré agregar uno u dos estados…
Hoy (ayer) ha sido un día francófono. De banda sonora, el álbum ‘Des Visages des Figures’ de Noir Désir – una mezcla fantástica de rock y jazz. Y mientras el solista me susurraba una canción tras otra, yo me submergía en Rimbaud. Aquí un trocito del poema Les Étrennes des Orphelins: – Et là, –…
“The union of male with male is and must be sterile….” There stood the embodiment of that which I find aesthetically pleasing. In him incarnate were those qualities that I have been desirous of since childhood, intricately manifested and no longer distant. And to my surprise, the circumstance afforded me the ability to bridge the…
¡Feliz día de los reyes magos! In the Spanish-speaking world, this is our Christmas, at least it once was, but now, this this whimsical phenomenon called globalization, the differences are disappearing. Who would have thought that being able to shop at Wal-Mart world-wide would bring about world peace! I haven’t much to say to-day; have…