October 2006
No tengo mucho a decir. Y para ser honesto, sé que eres la única persona que lee esto. Washington, D.C. tiene algo que me incomoda sumamente; algo que me irrita, enterrándose por de bajo de mi piel. Me enciende, una irritación profunda. Aún no lo consumo; no puedo asimilarlo: aquí viví. Fue corta la duración…
What am I to do with all this ‘80s music, for it rushes me into an expansive golfo mistico of thought? I see us flying over dirt roads, fast as lightning, the pebbles crushing under the merciless gyrating wheels. And the dry dust arises, it always arises. Left and right sprawling fields and woods give…
Anhelo mi pelo largo; el sol derritiéndose sobre mi piel a siete mil pies de altura del nivel del mar. Y las nubes sobre las lomas, piruetas solares. Sobre todo las altibajas. Recuerdo los brincos de sinceridad que hacía en el trampolín que era mi cama. En ella podía dormir un tirón — una eternidad…
It poured mercilessly yesterday. I think my shoes might have been ruined, I hope not; they are now drying. As I made my way to Dupont Circle, firmly attached to my umbrella’s handle — it had become an extension of my-self, unbending, unrelenting to the whims of the rapacious and voracious wind — I chanced…
The Iliad is the basic unit perforce of Western thought, as the cell is to life. From it has sprung what we term the ‘West’ (being in Europe, I realize now more so than before how ambiguous the term is; it begs a discussion but not now). The Achaeans, also referred to by other names…
While studying the Classics, I was keenly interested in that moment when man renounced reason and aquiesced to the mysticism of the Christian religio. Of course, there was not a pivotal point when the transition occurred, no Mount Vesivus erupting and with it bringing the desemation of a Pompeii, it is never like that. No,…
Society is layer upon layer of fiction. Man is the eternal Dædelus, artful artifice that continuously produces something new out of an ancient and malleable substance. As the paint begins to chip, a new layer is added forcefully, and thus continues the illusion. And sometimes the mighty edifice crumbles; simply turns to dust, smitten by…