June 2006
Bajo cielo sabor a vainilla, circulando al azar he tenido una visión: me he visto morir. Ha sido una muerte violenta y agonizante. Quizá tenga que ver con lo que planeo hacer; siempre hay personas a las que les enfada y desaprueban de mis acciones. Agosto se apróxima; empecemos a contar y quizá a rezar.…
Poor Pentheus wondered into the ambulant harem of Bacchic priestesses. And they tore him to pieces, with febrile rapidity his being dissolved in the voracious oscillations of pulling hands. Of sudden I have seen flash before my eyes my own demise. I succumb all too quickly to the intense and unrelenting blows of a dagger.…
Dionysus fell from a tree. I caught him, kissed and coddled him in my arms. They were sweet, such delightful estival kisses upon the lips. Thunder struck, but prescient and of the flighty acumen, I removed myself so as to avoid, propitiously the awe and terror of the lightning bolt shattering instantly at my feet.…
Marchando por las calles en la noche rumbo a casa, me encuentro con un gato negro; caminando en direcciones opuestas, hacia distintas antípodas, coincidimos por un instante. “Tommy, ¿eres tú?” “Thomas, ¿caro? Él no responde, sembrando en mi la duda — no, éste no es él. Mi gato es inteligente y sabe discernir su santa…
I miss those silly afternoons when you’d walk around the house, your sole attire a pair of briefs and an undershirt. I’d sit on your lap only to dismiss myself through a satirical facial gesture; and you’d lose yourself in your work. J’ai trouvé une chanson en grecque avec une strophe que j’aime car elle…
As I stroll up San Antonio Road, I notice the changes that have taken place, as well as finally perceiving those things that I noticed but never understood during those six years that I faithfully travelled its path. Old homes, which I would never describe as charming, have given way to newly-built ones. Perhaps the…
Has it been six months already since I said good-bye, not without compuction mind you, to what in essence was my life? I chucked it all away; there, done with! Ah, sweet liberty upon my lips. Alack, then disaster: fear infested like some divinely sent plague and I began to fester. I cringed; no end…
En el mundo te busco. Quizá te encontré; ha pasado tanto tiempo y creo no recordar tus rasgos — ¿cómo es tu cara? No sé por donde empezar y qué preguntas hacer. ¿A caso aún existes? ¿Exististe? No me basta creer — cogito ergo sum. Pido mejor prueba, otro a priori; algo que no inicie…
“Where are you headed?” he asks, his countenance a mixture of seriousness with detectable strains of affability. “San Francisco.” “Do you live there?” he continues. I hesitate, then recovering my nerves mutter “Thereabouts.” “Mountain View?” he says, reading it off the screen. I nod in ascent. And how do you support yourself?” “I’m unemployed,” and…
À l’enfance, tout est simple. Un jour se transforme, sans compréhension pour le petit-petit, au cours des motions pérennes en un nouvel jour similaire et différent. Il se métamorphose d’une façon légere et sans mysticisme. Le petit enfant ne sais pas du mysticisme — il est honnête.