October 2005
«Ve con él, él es a quien amás; él es tu salvación.» Me dice. Yo escucho y asiento con la cabeza. En torno a esto, empieza a girar la máquina de mi intelecto; se agita y comienza a producir piensamento tras pensamiento. ¿Qué has sido tú para mí? No recuerdo. O quizá no quiero recordar.…
Warning: this piece is a mixture of history, linguistics and philosophy, with a pinch of theology. But then again, the generally educated man that Aristotle describes or the humanist, should be able to move between the plethora of humanist or liberal arts subjects with ease and facility. I am curious as to what a philosopher…
My roommate, Valeria I wish to call her at this point in time, for I have this desire to call everyone by every other name but his own. Not even I am exempt from this absurdity; for the past month I have been referring to myself as Xavi. Allons-y, to the crux of the matter.…
Dibujaba sobre piedras mojadas, en algún lugar desierto y vacío; con fácilidad grababa mis impulsos en ellas. Sentí un desahogo al dejar plasmado en médium ajenos a mí – el fuego escapó, fugaz girando hacia el cielo; mi pecho partido en dos le dejó escapar. A golpes contra la pared, gritando “¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda!” Luego de…
I went for a walk; I needed to think. As I made my way through half-empty streets, I felt the loneliness and the change that ever-so-slowly is taking ascendancy over time and space. As I passed a building on a side street, I chanced upon a kitten. It was playing, no care in the world.…
Today I travelled to the other end of town. For the return, I opted for a different bus, one that would take me through a land of desolation. This was no place of soaring skyscrapers, fantastic edifices that elevate themselves with seeming ease into the sunctuary of volatile azure. No, this land of desolation is…