July 2005
Phew! I’m back! After a somewhat extended absence, I have returned, yet there is not much to report. There are many questions, but not many answers. All I can say is that during this interlude, I have taken the time to do some of the things that I love. I finished my History of the…
As the darkness that shall render the visibility opaque quietly moves across the horizon, I make quiet plans. Perhaps in its wake, it will leave behind something similar to the smell that arises from the ground after a storm. That smell of earth and water, of sensibility. Perhaps. I’m excited. I dream of the East…
Me hubiese sentido un poco tonto si hubiese hecho aquello que hice cuando iba a partir rumbo a Santa Fe, Nuevo México, i.e., publicar un mapa monstrando el viaje que emprendería. Mi mente volaba hacia aquella región que desde que la conocí ha capturado mi imaginacíon. ¡Existe tal lugar! Entre sueños y halucinaciones, llegué a…
Amber laughing her ass off while the essence of the universe springs forth from my mouth; “Om! Om!” I should now take the time to explain and describe the events that culminated in it! I was too tired last night to do so … but I had to post the photo because it was super…
Recuerdo su cara, dulce y tierna. Estaba sentado en aquella silla en aquel pedacito de habitación con la ventana que daba vista a la simpleza que indudaba este lugar; era aquel lugar de la Institución que había visitado unas cuantas veces, siempre por necesidad ajena. La primera fue porque necesitaba que me tomasen la fotografía.…
My post are almost always quite serious and philosophical in nature imbued with some observation of human nature. But this time none of that. This is so sweet, I’m getting a puppy! I’m getting a puppy! Whoo hoooo! I’m getting a puppy. OMG! I should say we’re getting a puppy! Yes, we’re getting a puppy!…
Well kids, it looks like I am going to be reunited with most of my books in a few weeks, and what’s even more delightful, they will be transported to Santa Fe. I will bring some back, the rest will be dropped off at my house by my cousin as he makes his way to…
Since July 01, it has been my tendency to write a post in the weblog, as the month approaches its end, where I recapitulate everything that has happened since. In retrospect, the Julies can be summerized as follows: 01: quite sad. 02: boring. 03: rather exciting! 04: Living life. 05: Onward. Now, this post is…