June 2005
Este es mi primer post en castellano. ¡Enhorabuena! Y pido inspiración a las Musas, ellas que son responsables de la creatividad del hombre, deseando que esto que voy a escribir al igual que lo que escribiré en tiempos por venir sea no en vano. Adelante. Este sitio ha sido extirpado de su esencia tantas veces…
A photo I took when my sister and I went for a spin up North. [nota bene: removed broken image link 21 July 2013]
And how is it that selfishness has now fallen out of favor, replaced by a so-called ‘selflessness’? For now I hear of the virtue of being selfless, I hear of the virtue of loving thy neighbor and other gibberish that confounds. And I hear of the honor and praise bestowed upon those that are selfless…
My life begins two years ago; the 20 years prior to these two are but a prelude. I realize that by saying this, I am discarding the importance of each and every event that took place in the space of these two decades; yea, so be it.
Aristotle is known as a man endowed with a unique affinity for knowledge. And it is this affinity or rather this desire that leads him to endeavor into a multitude of fields of science or téxnai; he has a say in almost every type of science. Therefore he is the foundation or part of the…
Voy a escribir esto bajo el título de “Desde Fanta Se”. Quién iba a decir que aquel lugar o quizá prisión en la periferia de la civilización me fuese a traer una intensidad que no logro poder explicar ni describir con palabras. Es irónico sino absurdo que esta tierra estéril por la cual daría tantos…
The struggle with the web sitealludes to the struggle within. They are symptoms reflected in different spheres, i.e., digital and analogue. The struggle is not ontological; I feel my heart, I feel my suffering and anguish, ergo sum. The answer, therefore, lies in that. I simply get caught up in the feeling. I vacillate from…