June 2006
This is perhaps my favorite song, if not one of a few, in the Spanish language; I rather suspect it is the theme that draws it to me resonating within the dell and hollow of my mind. ¡Ay qué bonito¡ Qué bonito cuando te veo ay, qué bonito cuando te siento, que bonito pensar que…
To be good writer — without speaking of the divinely inspired mien one must surely possess sans doute — one must also be a good observer. Herein lies the beauty of Prousts magnus opus; otherwise it would be a tedious and never ending monologue interspersed by distinct speeches. Perhaps they too are creations of the…
Time-wearied, is there no end in sight? The curtain falls and hardly anyone claps. The audience is thin, emaciated, hardly a cough. Fucking clap! By Jove, may I turn to stone if not a soul dares clap. I am worried to tears. The children of Sodom and Gomorrah already traverse the earth with heads impudently…
El mundo sin ti es simplemente un vacío insípido. Escribo esto aunque jamás lo leerás; tampoco de mis labios lo escucharás. Como todo buen actor, debo de ser fiel a mi rôle y mantener aquel simulacrum de lejanía, reticencia duradera.
Gad, when did I become so … er … jaded? Honestly I am not that jaded. Sure, whenever I speak of St. John’s, everything I say about it is negative. What else can one say about the College? Honestly! What’s the big deal with Santa Fe? What is this mediocre place but a hodgepodge of…
As a child, I was beset by maddening curiosity. It would drive me to the ends of my world, infiltrating the clandestine and the forgotten. But my thirst was not one for an understanding of my fellow man; I craved to understand nature. And as happens with all earthly things, human and divine, my curiosity…
Cybernauts prefer weblogs to anything else on the Internet; though it will never supersede sex — the eternal driving force behind man. À propos blogs, those that are lofty edifices of short and to the point entries are preferred. From whence follows: I can catalogue my weblog as being in essence not user friendly —…