I believe

… in the beauty of the celestial stars, their eternal orchestration of nature’s majesty and the genius of the Deity.

… in the power of the human mind; of imagination.

… in love.

… in the randomness of the universe, call it Chance or Father Zeus.

… that ‘free will’ is as wrong as the idea of evolution; I believe in liberty.

… that light blinds.

… in humanity.

… that reality is as real as the notion of color.

… that existence comes before essence.

… that man fears freedom.

… Yahoo! sucks.

… that all religions are systems of cruelty.

… that man delights in being cruel to others, but especially to himself.

… that language creates reality – in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

… that I, like Björk, can only be loved and appreciated by a few.

… that Love in The Time of Science is one of my favourite CDs.

And finally … I believe in myself. The best fiction.



