October 2007
According to the BBC, the Foreign Office minister Kim Howells believes that the UK and Saudi Arabia have shared values1 and that the two kingdoms ought to unite around these purported shared values. Excuse me? According to the U.S. Department of State’s International Religious Freedom Report 2006 for Saudi Arabia, “Islam is the official religion,…
Several days ago, I experienced a spine-chilling thrill, a rupture of Apocalyptic proportions, to wit, an alimentary orgasm. And what induced this Scriptural response? An artichoke. In need of groceries, I set foot in a Sainsbury’s for the first time, place where I would encounter my mythical artichoke; none of the shops I usually frequent…
Before coming to Europe, I was an admirer of all things european. Effortlessly, I would declare ‘Europe is 50 years ahead of America in terms of morals’ as well as other europhile axioms chanted by rote. On the tour bus in Brussels, when we reached the EU parliament, a small French girl pointed at a…
I’m in Amsterdam at the moment. I can’t say that I’m too keen on this city. Is it just or is the seedy underbelly of this city fueled by foreigners? For it seems that those offering drugs are either Afro-Caribbean or eastern europeans. Moreover, the salacious women offering themselves were squwaking in Spanish. While the…