Month: September 2007

  • un instante

    Una noche fría autumnal acompañada de té (Earl Grey), una que otra galleta y la música de Sufjan Stevens. Antípoda apósita a aquellas noches de invierno seis año atrás; una mezcla de agua, oscuridad: abismo primordial.

  • On declining fertility rates in developed countries

    “to increase in number and make our cities more populous, would it not seem absurd, the cause of the evil being evident and the remedy being in our own hands?º 7 For as men had fallen into such a state of pretentiousness, avarice, and indolence that they did not wish to marry, or if they…

  • hurrah the iPhone is here (UK)

    The iPhone was introduced to-day, how exciting! (other European carriers are to be announced throughout the week, i.e., German and French) The revolutionary iPhone will be released on the 9th of November in the UK. It will retail for £269 (inc VAT), which is about $535 (the iPhone retails for $399 in the US). Also,…

  • on Belgium

    The past couple of weeks have been punctuated by intense moments of hilarity and idiocy. The libertarian-values-espousing and self-styled newspaper Economist declared that it was time for Belgium to call it a day as “the country has become a freak of nature, a state in which power is so devolved that government is an abhorred…

  • on Hibernia

    Whenever I set before myself the task of writing, I am unable to proceed. It is as if all inspiration is withdrawn and the opacous dell of my mind, that dark and damp abyss where imagination resides and ideas are generated is razed. Perhaps it would be pertinent to beg inspiration of the Muses, those…

  • test


  • Temporary Notice

    I am in the process of upgrading to a new ‘grid’ on my web host. The site may not work properly or simply cease to function at all. Bear with me during this transition.