I am telectically driven; my destination, however bemuses me. It is as if I am driving down a meandering road, a deleterious phenomenon in itself, hoping to discover reason, a reason, any reason! Perhaps like some kamikazee insect, desirous of fulfilling its fate, a comet spiralling out of control, splattering its gusts and life over the sprawling majesty of the windshield. I honestly do not know. And I suspect I do not care, though at some level, no matter how recondite, I do have feelings about the whole affair. For now, I choose to ignore these metaphysical abstractions in potencia.
Again, I am reliving that age-old scene: there I am, trembling and anxious, in a daze, consumed by a febrile instantiated dementia, forever erect upon that eternal precipice, teetering. Somehow I never fall, I always manage to retain my upwardness – my humanity – but perhaps now, just this once, I shall fall unto my face. Uh-huh! and I can say without any compunction that it hurts! It hurts like a bitch! There is no doubt about it in the hollow of my mind.
With this, I think I have said enough about what is chancing in my life.